The last time we checked in on Consortium: The Tower Prophecy, it was still called Consortium: The Tower Prophecy, and not just Consortium: The Tower, as it is now known. The ambitious sequel to Interdimensional Games' immersive sim Consortium (which is currently very cheap on Steam) has a new teaser trailer, one that reveals the date of the forthcoming Kickstarter campaign.
January 18. The Kickstarter is coming on January 18. Also, that was a pretty good teaser trailer—I feel thoroughly teased. In this Consortium sequel, the fate of the multiverse is at stake, so no pressure after you skydive onto a future-London tower for a spot of hostage rescue.
"Building on the strengths of CONSORTIUM, The Tower uses all of the core mechanics, interface systems, gear and dynamic fourth wall shattering concepts for an all new scope: The Churchill Tower, a massive, futuristic skyscraper in the heart of London, England. What should have been a straightforward mission to rescue civilian hostages from terrorists turns into a global debacle involving a deeply rooted conspiracy where Bishop Six will be forced to question his allegiances and the morality of meddling across the bounds of existence.
"Choose to stick to the mission blindly, or choose to question and explore its boundaries, unlocking monumental discoveries and shedding new light on the unfolding events. Fully interact with dozens of people from their world using our waterfall dialogue tree system, and choose to Fight, Explore, Sneak and/or Talk your way through the entire experience."
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